Monday, October 13, 2008

Feeling frugal

All this talk about the economy has got me feeling anxious. Nothing has changed for my family, other than, oh, the price of EVERTHING! When my husband lost his job in 2004 we were forced to live frugally and became very good at it. It was amazing how much we learned to live without. Since then we have slowly added back the extras, the lawn service, the premium cable channels, the 50 inch tv, really cute shoes, and jeans that make my butt look great. Although I am enjoying living like everyone else again, I feel irresponsible spending the money. I feel like we can never have enough saved and I should be working toward that goal instead of another pair of jeans. 

In the spirit of saving, we have fired the lawn crew, switched to a cheaper cable provider and I am vowing to plan menus for the week based on what is on sale and shop accordingly (Thank you lady on Oprah.). These are just the baby steps.  

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